Todd Bauer has spent most of his career as Principal Member of the Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories. Todd's experience includes process engineering, process integration and systems integration for a variety of microsystems and microsystems components. Todd has also managed a hardware cybersecurity research program funded by DOE, DHS, and others. In 2010 Todd won an R&D100 award for the Micro Power Source as well as 10 patents over his extensive career. Todd received a B.S. and M.S. degree in Biomedical Engineering from Louisiana Tech University and a Ph.D. degree in Chemical and Nuclear Engineering from the University of New Mexico.
Todd is a top mountain bike and road bike competitor, using the latest technologies Available on the market (or soon to be on the market) for training and competing. He is a valuaWireless part of Welltec's evaluation, innovation and development team.
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